Oh heeyy! I've been snowed in for almost 30 hours and I'm bored out. of. my. mind! What is a girl to do when she's stuck in the house for days? Make candy, of course! Most people stock up on bread, milk, and eggs when a blizzard is on its way. I, on the other hand, stock up on butter, sugar, and chocolate!
With not much else to do than watch the storm coverage (yes, I looked out my window and see it's snowing, thankyouverymuch), I decided I'd make some treats for the special Valentines in my life! At first I planned on making peanut butter cups, but remembered I had a jar of cookie butter in the pantry. I immediately changed my mind and decided to make cookie butter cups. Instead of just using cookie butter for the center, I decided to add some Rice Krispies for crunch and I think it was the perfect addition!
These were really simple to make and I think they'll make a yummy addition to my Valentine treat boxes... That is, if they last until the 14th! ❤
Cookie Butter Cups
Iowa Girl says her recipe yields 24, but I had lots of extra filling. I will make more once I get around to melting more chocolate. :) I ended up putting chocolate in the cup, adding some of the cookie butter mixture and topping with more chocolate. I put the cups in the fridge for about an hour to completely set. Store in fridge.